House Plants
Cacti and Succulents Rose
Ficus (varieties) Calathea
Sansevieria Peperomia
Ivy String of Pearls
Alocasia Aloe
Dracaena Scindapsus
Monstera Ferns
Crassula Yucca
Dieffenbachia Strelitzia
Kentia Bromelia
Philodendron Begonia Rex
Epiphyllum Echeveria
Fittonia Parlor Palm
House Plants
House plants are wonderful addition to the home.
They create that light and airy feel to the room, the feeling of being outside and bring a little colour too.
Most house plants require minimal care too.
House plants are proven to reduce stress levels and boost concentration and productivity.
Not only do house plants look pretty and decorate your home beautifully, they can make you
feel good too.
We always have a good selection of house plants available in our nursery